
Founded in NYC, Developed in Los Angeles, CA

enkooth is a fragrance house that celebrates forgotten cultures by paying homage to their memories, rituals, stories and customs through a contemporary lens, within the artistic medium of scent 

A secondary, more silent mission of enkooth will be to promote and support the farmers and cultivators of the land - those who tilled the soil, and get their hands dirty to create the supply that powers our industries. enkooth wants to tell their stories and celebrate their artistry, donate to them, their causes and educate ourselves to speak loudly about promoting fair and ethical business practices that keep farmers well fed off of their labor. enkooth want the farmers that look like us to eat at the same table that we eat at when it’s time to celebrate success.


Brand Development
Logo Identity

Phonetic spelling of “uncouth” 

Uncouth is a term that describes a person (or their appearance or behavior) who is lacking good manners, refinement, or grace. It’s used to describe art or language that lacks sophistication or delicacy. It’s used to describe a place that’s uncomfortable, especially because of poor conditions.

We’re taking an aesthetic that was/is otherwise deemed as ‘low,’ or ‘urban,’ and creating a luxury segment that identifies with people of a certain culture and upbringing and creating home-grown-luxury 

The term uncouth is a word used by BIPOC (especially Caribbean black) parents to describe unkempt youth who often find themselves in trouble, and have a slick tongue

This brand is about paying homage to forgotten cultures, and customs 

As forgotten cultures, our people were conditioned to “have good manners” and be subservient and small. We are redefining what refinement is and being unapologetically authentic with our stories told through the artistic medium of scent. The characters in our stories will always be -  in some way, shape or form - pushing back…


Just like other luxury brands especially in Fragrance we kept it to 
minimal colors. Black and deep blackish green with a secondary red as an accent

For this brand I chose a clean serif font to keep that luxury “classy” look. Especially for a fragrance brand communicating with a classy font will bring that exact target audience Enkooth is looking for. Unlike your average New Times Roman this font has a slight modern edge to it.

As an alternate logo mark or monogram I decided to use the “oo” and the accent mark. This is a unique shape and look on it’s own but it’s also built within the main word mark.

Other notable illustrations for Enkooth

The Signet represents
creative approval.

The Blade & Torch
represents the fight for
creative freedom

God’s Hand
represents the artist’s touch

The Serpent
represents protection of
creative expression

Venus of Brassempouy

The Venus was discovered in one of the caves in 1894 in a small village in southwest France.This ivory figurine was created about 25,000 years ago and is one of the earliest known realistic representations of a female human face.

We decided this to be the main logo/seal mark for the brand because it’s one of the first known representations of not just human form, but of beauty. Beauty is an essential function of luxury creation, and beauty doesn’t belong to one culture - it is ubiquitous